Darwinism is faith in men’s wisdom and is not scientific. Creationism, the belief in God as the Creator, God who is love, is faith in God’s Wisdom and power that discoveries in science attest to be true.

Darwinism is faith in men’s wisdom and is not scientific. Creationism, the belief in God as the Creator, God who is love, is faith in God’s Wisdom and power that discoveries in science attest to be true.

D2. The Mystery behind Darwinism

Some of the world's renowned men who are 33rd Degree Masons: Yasser Arafat; Tony Blair; Rev. William Booth (Salvation Army); Jimmy Carter; Sir Winston Churchill; William J. Clinton; Kenneth Copeland; Walt. Disney; John Foster Dulles; Newt. Gingrich; Barry Goldwater; Mikhail Gorbachev; Al Gore; Billy Graham; King Hussein; Saddam Hussein; Rev. Jesse Jackson; Andrew Johnson; Lyndon Baines Johnson; Henry Kissinger; Helmut Kohl; Vladimir Lenin; Gen. Douglas MacArthur; Karl Marx; François Mitterand; Shimon Peres; Albert Pike; Dr Norman Vincent Peale; Prince Phillip; Gen. Colin L. Powell; Yitzak Rabin; Ronald Reagan; Cecil Rhodes; Franklin D.Roosevelt; Theodore Roosevelt; James Rothschild; Gerhard Schroeder; Joseph Stalin; Harry S. Truman; H.G. Wells… only two U.S. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, were not either Masons or elite members of affiliated bodies.- http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/

Some of the world's renowned men who are 33rd Degree Masons: Yasser Arafat; Tony Blair; Rev. William Booth (Salvation Army); Jimmy Carter; Sir Winston Churchill; William J. Clinton; Kenneth Copeland; Walt. Disney; John Foster Dulles; Newt. Gingrich; Barry Goldwater; Mikhail Gorbachev; Al Gore; Billy Graham; King Hussein; Saddam Hussein; Rev. Jesse Jackson; Andrew Johnson; Lyndon Baines Johnson; Henry Kissinger; Helmut Kohl; Vladimir Lenin; Gen. Douglas MacArthur; Karl Marx; François Mitterand; Shimon Peres; Albert Pike; Dr Norman Vincent Peale; Prince Phillip; Gen. Colin L. Powell; Yitzak Rabin; Ronald Reagan; Cecil Rhodes; Franklin D.Roosevelt; Theodore Roosevelt; James Rothschild; Gerhard Schroeder; Joseph Stalin; Harry S. Truman; H.G. Wells… only two U.S. Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy, were not either Masons or elite members of affiliated bodies.- http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/

                2  Invitation to D2

Scientific evidences (accumulated since the 1960’s) are against Darwinism on natural selection being the basis in the origin and nature of life on earth. “Amazingly there are a significant number of scientists who do not believe it but they are afraid to say anything.  It is still considered to be what is scientifically and politically correct.” “It takes faith to believe evolution. If we are not allowed to teach religion in school then we shouldn’t be allowed to teach evolution either.”- Ben Carson. He said that it makes sense that the geological layers and the crustaceans on top of the Andes Mountains were done by a worldwide flood. “It is really a matter of using the frontal lobe in analysing the facts and see how it compares with what God has said and what man has said. There is no inconsistency with the way God said but lots of inconsistencies with the way man has said.” – Ben Carson, the unsuccessful candidate in  his Republican 2016 presidential nominee election campaign speech covered by CNS News- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yK-6p5L7gMA  (1:17), published on Sep 25, 2015.

                There are quite a number of sciences, particularly in natural sciences, such as in biology, zoology, and naming a few others in archaeology, geology, and anthropology, that have not reviewed and adjust their fundamental conceptions and principles that are based on the assumption that evolution is true and has occurred over billions of years ago. 

                We are all well aware that creation theory is still not allowed to be taught in schools almost universally, whereas the theory of evolution is taught regardless that it is now proven to be unscientific and a misrepresentation of the truth. When will this perpetuation of a lie stop? It is only when we individually take responsibility to search for the truth and to share the truth with others.

                Furthermore there is the relentless and persistence to periodically reinforce ( brainwash) the lie of evolution by the elites in control of mass communication  with new findings, articles, movies and documentaries. (What do they want and why? This is the mystery.)

                Discovery D2 Overview

                1.Satan personally tutored Charles Darwin in setting up the principles of the theory of evolution. Satan and his councillors knew that this theory would completely destroy the creation week of the Bible, the fall of man and the plan of redemption in the mind of the believers of evolution. He blatantly declares that anyone who teaches the theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of that great religious system.

                2. For years, textbooks have been teaching information about evolution that has been proven false (e.g. Haeckel’s embryonic fraud lives on although Haeckel confesses to drawing from memory and was convicted of fraud.)

                3. The leader in the pack is the Pope, a theistic evolutionist, who is instrumental in preaching and advocating that “creationists are wrong to read Genesis literally” (in the bid to support evolutionists).

                4. Hollywood movies and TV documentaries are the tools of Satan and his agents.


2.1 Videos to Watch: 2.1.1 The Mystery of Darwinism (Darwin, Satan and Evolution)- The Hidden Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 1; 2.1.2 The Illuminati Evolution Deception- The Hidden Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 2; 2.1.3 Darwinism is Faith in Satanic Lies- The Revealed Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 3;2.1.4 Textbook Deceptions- The Revealed Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 4;2.1.5 The Media a Tool of Satan- The Revealed Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 5- The Mysterious Religious Support for Darwinism.


                2.1 Videos to Watch

                The first  three short video clips in which two are from the same source that give a plausible explanation to why the world is still under the spell in the deception postulated by Darwin and believed by almost the whole world. They are providing behind the scene information that the masses are unable to discern and thus are kept in deception by Satan. The next three presentations, consist of two talks of longer durations, and the last a review on a documentary. They bear evidences to substantiate the hidden agenda of the evil forces in brainwashing the masses to believe in the lies postulated by Darwin in the Theory of Evolution.

                2.1.1 The Mystery of Darwinism (Darwin, Satan and Evolution) 

                Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaDEKaKhQoY - Darwin, Satan and Evolution  (3:30) published on Sep 23, 2014  andhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKyq8gYBSBc  (5:20),  published on Sep 2, 2014.

                These two clips show portions of the testimony of Roger Morneau, who narrated about what the Satanist high priest revealed to Roger and his friend in Montreal in recruiting them to join as Satanists. He was not “A former high level Satanist” as labelled in the clip.

       The Hidden Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 1

                Satan wants people to think he does not exist. He wants to control the thinking of people’s mind. He wants to destroy the Bible (the knowledge of God) without burning it. These are the decisions made at the Satanist general council.

                Darwin and Huxley were hypnotised in childhood by medical doctors. As such they would be good subjects to lead the people to believe in evolution.

                After the general council, Satan would tutor Charles Darwin personally in setting up the principles of the theory of evolution. Satan and his councillors knew that this theory would completely destroy the creation week of the Bible, the fall of man and the plan of redemption in the mind of the believers of evolution.

                Satan blatantly declares that anyone who teaches the theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of that great religious system. Every teacher of that theory is recognised by the spirits as a person of great value and receives a very special unction from of Satan himself getting real power to induce spiritual blindness to convince and convert. A retinue of evil angels are assigned to follow the educator all the remainder of his life. That is the greatest honour Satan can bestow upon mankind.

                Deception is the major part of Satan’s strategy. Deception according to the high priest is like politics. The one to win the position is just a matter of who is smarter. Lucifer, the former Cherubim, is very smart and he is going to win and Christ will abdicate his throne. Satan is going to have the right to the planet to resurrect his people and everything in his kingdom will last forever and ever. God don’t want to destroy him because it would be against God’s nature.

                Roger Morneau’s full testimony - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ird-B... (3:19:17) for readers who would like to know more about his  “A Trip into the Supernatural” and how he was able to get out without being killed (an impossibility without the intervention of God). 

                2.1.2 The Illuminati Evolution Deception

                Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12XDGeB4zZs – (10:49) by Christian Mario, published on Aug 23, 2014. This clip is the fastest means to provide information about the Illuminati and how the family lines of Charles Darwin were part of the Freemasons in England.

       The Hidden Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 2

                The Illuminati is a network of secret societies that are working together to bring the world into a new world order. One of the Illuminati secret brotherhoods is called The Freemasons. This is why evolution is a lot like the teachings of freemasonry. Masonry in the mystery schools of the Illuminati teaches that man is capable of "evolving" into a superman/god. EVOLUTION IS AN ILLUMINATI LIE !!!

                The evolution of man into superman- was always the purpose of the ancient mysteries. And the real purpose of modern masonry is not the social and charitable to which so much attention is paid. It is important for them to deceive others because they have this evolution coming, this great deception where man can become like god.  “Man who has sprung from earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature to his present rational state has yet to complete his evolution by becoming a God-like being and unifying his consciousness with the omniscient to promote which is and always has been the sole aim and purpose of all initiation.” (Wilmhurst)

                The spiritual implication of evolution is something that few people ever stop to consider.  The Bible in Gen 3:5 says the serpent lied that life was attainment of knowledge by our own efforts to become as gods. This is what evolution teaches that we are constantly evolving onwards and upwards over time with this end goal. Evolution is the exact lie in the Garden of Eden that mankind can become perfect or god-like by our own efforts through knowledge or science in man’s conception of the truth about the laws of nature.

                Through the idea of evolution Freemason introduced to the masses under the bill of science the occult idea of becoming, the belief that man is gradually evolving towards enlightened godhood. It was Darwin’s grandfather, Dr Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) who was the first man in England to suggest those ideas which later was to be embodied in the Darwinian Theory. Dr Erasmus Darwin was the founder of the Masonic Lunar Society (1764-1800) that cemented his  strong influence in the British Royal Society, the elitists of England. His son Francis Darwin was made a mason in Tyrian Lodge in 1804. His son, Charles Darwin does not appear on the roll but it is very possible he like Francis was a mason being passed down by tradition from generation to generation. He may have been chosen for a special agenda such that it would be better to hide his affiliation. His ancestry is all illuminati, satanic, Freemason. (Historical figures like Napoleon and all his brothers, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were Freemasons)

                The illuminati is a powerful network of men who have powerful position in the world, in the entertainment industry, in government, in finance, etc. They are infiltrating organisations and system to gain access to power and control over them. The entertainment* industry is absolutely demonic evil as they have been under Satan’s control for a long time. The entertainment media is the best in preparing the masses for things to come.   The conspiracy theory is legitimate. Freemasonry (the elite of society) is promoting the satanic lie to brainwash the masses in accepting evolution as an actual reality. What we will next evolve into after this is the great deception pertaining to truth on the end-­time fulfilment of Bible prophecy and facilitates the unimpeded establishment of the antichrist so that Satan can continue ruling the world. In fact the elitist of the world has openly primed the masses in Time Magazine Feb 10, 2011 cover: 2045: The Year Man Becomes Immortal – see “Why The Illuminati want You to Believe in Evolution!” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtXmP... ( 6:45)  

                (There are lots more than you may not be ready to receive at this point in time such as the historical events that occurred in the year 1844 (Darwin’s 230 page original draft of “On the Origin of Species” was completed in July 1844 and then printed in 1859) that were attributed to Satan mounting counter movements to thwart God’s advancement in His plan of salvation in raising up the Advent movement in October 22, 1844 to recapture several forgotten or lost serious important forgotten truths. These are historical events and not conspiracy theory as skeptics would have it. – listen to https://www.audioverse.org/english/sermons/recordings/334/the-rapture-or-ripoff-what-got-left-behind-in-1844.html , the first part in the series “The Day that Changed the World” by Ps Ron Du Preez. This topic will be a separate discovery journey later on.)

                (*Note: Optional extensive side tour at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9VnySW0F7g (2:01:00)- “How The Jesuits Control The Media” (Crete to Malta Series ) by  Walter Veith, published Jun 22, 2016. This is for those who desire to know the basis of the allegation against Satan and his evil agents in the Papacy, The Jesuits, the Illuminati and the Freemasons.)

                2.1.3 Darwinism is Faith in Satanic Lies

              Watch https://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1378/1201-did-darwin-murder-god/ (48:19) “Did Darwin Murder God?” by Chad Kreuzer.

                In this message, we discover that the theory of evolution is based on faith. No scientist can explain how life comes about; everything about the origin of life on earth is a mystery, and it seems the more that is known, the more complex the puzzle gets. Darwin admitted that his theory would absolutely be broken down if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed through numerous, successful, slight, modifications. So why do the masses still cling to Darwin’s idea? Creation of the world and the universe is evidence enough that there is a Living God (a later discovery assignment).

       The Revealed Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 3

                 Time the weekly news magazine with the cover “Is God Dead?” speculated that Darwin said “I didn’t mean to murder God but I did.” His teaching has brought about the death of God; that it is no longer necessary to believe in God as the first cause and the all mighty, omnipotent power. According to evolution scientists (speculations), the universe came from nothing about 20 billion years ago; Earth is 4.6 billion years old, the continents are 2.5 billion years old and man evolved 3million years ago. (Creation ex nihilo 22(2):18-21) March 2000.)

                “I will tell Him that He did not give me enough evidence” is the answer by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) atheist, mathematician and philosopher, on how he would justify his unbelief to God. Is it really a debate between faith and science? Faith is a religious word whose definition is “Now faith is the substance of things hoped, the evidence of things not seen” Heb 11:1. The Evolutionists fallacy is: We have science you have faith. The big question is Do evolutionists have science or Faith?

                The answer is provided in the Discover magazine article captioned - Where did Everything Come From? The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing- zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolute nowhere. How is that possible? asks Alan Guth, who then answers that the theory of inflation helps explain everything.

                Even a secular periodical on the Big Bang (New Scientist Sept 14, 1996) said don’t let the cosmologists try to kid you on this one (that evolution actually begins with a big bang out of nothing which nobody saw nor can prove).  They have not a clue- despite the fact that they are doing a good job of convincing themselves and others that this is really not a problem. (The foundation of evolution itself is founded on faith. Evolutionist believes based on text books and Christian based on God’s word in Genesis chapter 1. We each have a belief system based on faith not on science.)

                New Scientist, Time, 179(2403); 32 12 July, 2003 carries the caption: Born Lucky- Against all the odds, life established itself remarkably quickly on Earth. Paul Davies, theoretical physicist said,  “Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organised themselves into the first living cell.” The two foundations of belief: life from non- life; something from nothing. Is faith based on evidence not seen?

                Sir Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) coined the term “Big Bang.” It teaches that everything came from nothing. There was an explosion somewhere around 12-20 billion years ago. He later looked on the evolution of life moving on to complex creatures says “The chance (probability of 1040000 ) that higher life forms might have  in this way is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.”

                “Of adherents of biological evolution, Hoyle said he was at a loss to understand “biologists” widespread compulsion to deny what seems to me to be obvious.”- Hoyle on Evolution- Nature Vol 294 Nov 12 1981 p 105.

                “Everything about the origin of life on earth is a mystery, and it seems the more that is known, the more acute the puzzles get”. –Nicholas Wade, New York Times, June 13, 2000.

                Richard Dawkins uses philosophies to prove evolution. But philosophies do not prove science and origins ends up being an issue of religion, an issue of faith rather than hard and fast science.

                Anthony Flew is one of the most philosophical sceptics on the planet (who later became a theist). In his book, “There is a God,” stated “My departure from atheism was not occasioned by any new phenomenon or argument. Over the last two decades, the whole framework of thought has been in a state of migration. This was the consequence of my continuing assessment of the evidence of nature.” We must follow the argument wherever it leads as advocated by Socrates. As pointed out in the Bible verse, Rom 1:20 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:” Thus the evidence of nature is contrary to the text books written by men.  

                “I think that when you consider the beauty of the world, and you wonder how it came to be what it is. You’re naturally overwhelmed with the feeling of awe, a feeling of admiration, and you almost feel a desire to worship something. I feel this. You recognise that other scientists such as Carl Sagan feels this, Einstein felt it. We, all of us, share a kind of religious reverence for the beauties of the universe, for the complexities of life, for the sheer magnitude of the cosmos, the sheer magnitude of geological time.”- R Dawkins (foremost skeptics of Creation) debating Lennox then said that since I believe in evolution I simply squash the desire. He is literally saying that he believes by faith not by sight in evolution. I choose the words written in texts books by man .rather than see God with my own eyes in His creation. (There is a book written by Norman L. Geisler “ I Don’t have Enough Faith to be an Atheist” showing that it takes more faith  to be an evolutionist.)

                 Stephen Hawking, astrophysicist, considered as one of the most intelligent man on planet earth said that we are so insignificant that God is not bothered with us. Whereas King David in Psalm 8:3-4 says he is assured that God cares for His children. When we look out to God to give evidence for what to believe will you say I want to know you as the creator God. We need to open our heart and mind to see the complexities in the universe.  He has also given the Bible which reveals Him to us in the testimonies of His prophets. We must adopt the attitude that one man seems right until another man comes along and questions him (Pro 18:17). We need to hear another side of the story.

                2.1.4 Textbook Deceptions

                Watch https://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/1382/1202-textbook-deceptions/ (43:50)- “Textbook Deceptions” talk by Chad Kreuzer.

       The Revealed Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 4

                For years, textbooks have been teaching information about evolution that has been proven false. It is said that the person who states his case first seems right until the other comes along and examines him.  The text books in science used in schools will be reviewed to find out whether what they teach is validated by scientific principles.

                What do the textbooks teach about the continents?

                According to evolution, the continents are 2.5 billion years old - Creation ex nihilo 22(2):18-21 Mar 2000. But several geologists have highlighted a problem: North America should have been leveled in 10 million years if the erosion had continued at the current average rate (60 mm (2.4 inches) per 1000 years). Something is not right about this perspective of evolution. According to the Bible, humanity has walked the earth for about 6000 years (See Time line at 6:00 mins comparing Timeline of Creationist vs Evolutionist). Both of these mindsets cannot be correct. We have to prove one right.  The case is given that the annular rings in ice core are wrongly assumed for dating the age of earth. There could be more than several layers within one year. Another example is in the assumed growth rate of stalactites in dating. The petrified tree with an embedded dog in Waycross, Georgia is also shown to prove that petrification can be a rapid process.

                The Piltdown man was once cited in 1912 as proof that man evolved from an ape-like creature. English scientists say “the skull found in Sussex establishes human descend from apes.”- New York Times, Dec 22, 1912. They incredibly asserted that the creature could not talk. This was later discovered (more than forty years later) to be the Great Piltdown Hoax. Charles Dawson subsequently discovered in 1953 that it was a human skull cap with an ape jaw bone (The Evolution Handbook by Vance Ferrell, p 535). So what Evolutionist scientists say is not actually true. At the end we will realize that all people live by faith, whether it is faith in textbooks or faith in the Word of God. Which one will you believe?

                Haeckel’s Embryos have been used for decades and decades as true scientific facts in schools. Ernst Haeckel (1834- 1919) was a German biologist/doctor/zoologist. He basically drew the chart (see 27:22 min) to illustrate that all embryos of creatures look the same to prove that human descends from lower life forms. ” His work  published in 1866 enabled Charles Darwin to state “Thus, as it seems to me, the leading facts in embryology, which are second in importance to none in natural history.. “ to confirm that evolution was true. Hagel was later convicted of fraud.

                But embryonic fraud lives on as reported in New Scientist Sep 6, 1997, p 23:  “A set of 19th century drawings that still appear in reference books are badly misdrawn, says an embryologist in Britain. Although Haeckel confesses to drawing from memory and was convicted of fraud at the University of Jena, the drawings persist. “That’s the real mystery,“ says Richardson.“ Surely the biogenetic law is as dead as a doornail. It was finally exorcised from biology textbooks in the fifties. As a topic of serious theoretical inquiry it was extinct in the twenties.” – Keith Stewart Thomson, “Ontogeny and Phylogeny Recapitulated,“ New Scientist, Vol. 76, May-June 1988, p 273. But the truth is that it was still in the textbook in 1994, and even in 2012 according tothe article in “Darwin Lobbyists Defend Using Fraudulent Embryo Drawings in the Classroom” by Casey Luskin October 11, 2012: “With students back in school now for the year, many will learn not just about the "Darwin's Finches" icon of evolution, as I noted recently. They might also expect to be taught Haeckel's fraudulent embryo drawings. Our "Evaluation of 22 Recent Biology Textbooks and Their Use of Selected Icons of Evolution" showed that there are still multiple textbooks that use Haeckel's inaccurate drawings. Likewise, we found that a number of supplemental curricula submitted for use in Texas last year included Haeckel's faked embryo drawings.”- http://www.evolutionnews.org/2012/10/darwin_lobbyist_1065151.html  This lie used for almost a century was a desperate attempt to prove evolution and must require the elite and people of influence and power (people working from behind the scene) to support it .

                                Stephen Jay Gould said, “The fallacy of Haeckel’s drawing was the academic equivalent of murder.” – Natural History, Mar, 2000. Therefore Darwin’s attempted murder of God failed because his theory is no proof of evolution. But sadly the children are indoctrinated in schools for so many years to live by faith in the corroborated lies perpetuated in textbooks.  The whole foundation of evolution is based upon a false premise that they’re trying to prove repeatedly and every time was wrong. They couldn’t take out the embryo fraud from the textbook because they need something to prove the evolution doctrine.  Many of the professors and teachers still hang on to the faith in the words of man rather than having an open mind to look further than what the eye of man can see. They are like Francis Crick who advocates that when you see something you see that it looks like it has been designed, deny that and just believe that it was evolved. Why are we not considering that maybe God has given us reasons to believe? In the end the atheist (evolutionist) and the Christian (creationist) are going to live by faith.  But there are something more in the Bible than just trusting in the words of God  as discerned in Bible verses 2 Pet 1:19-21). God gives us ample reasons to believe and trust in His words.  This will be the topic for our next discovery assignment.

                2.1.5 The Media a Tool of Satan

                The BBC program entitled Did Darwin Kill God?, shown in Australia on ABC Compass in November 2009 and in the UK in March 2009, is a typical example of the relentless assault  in casting doubt on, and denying the truth of, the Word of God, the Bible.   There must be a hidden agenda behind this deliberate attempt to undermine the Bible as it must be a great threat to someone or something. A most likely explanation (without getting too entangled with this issue) is given in http://www.fmh-child.org/The_Nazarite/Entertainment_Industry.html  stating that “The Illuminati controls all the media and can make your name mud or just down right kill you and make it look like suicide or an accident. They are masters of deception and will do whatever they have to do to make things go in their favour.”

       The Revealed Insights on Darwinism- D2, Part 5

                (http://creation.com/review-did-darwin-kill-god - Did Darwin Kill God )

                We will only consider just the starting part of the review by Russell Grigg on the television charade promoting theistic evolution and published on 15 December 2009.

                “The very first temptation by Satan of anyone at all was his suggestion to Eve that she should doubt the word of God: “Did God say … ?” (Genesis 3:1), and this was followed by his direct denial of what God had said: “You shall not surely die” (Genesis 3:4). A recent BBC program entitled Did Darwin Kill God?, shown in Australia on ABC Compass in November 2009 and in the UK in March 2009, repeats this process of casting doubt on, and denying the truth of, the Word of God, the Bible.

                The BBC program is authored and narrated by Dr Conor Cunningham (hereinafter C.C.), a lecturer in theology and religious studies at the University of Nottingham. He begins by saying, “I believe that Christ was God incarnate and that He was resurrected from the dead. But I also believe creationists are wrong to read Genesis literally.”(This is deliberately mixing truth with error, like putting a drop of arsenic into a pure glass of water to render the water deadly anyway.)

                C.C. states that “creationists are wrong to read Genesis literally”. However, by any normal rules of exegesis, Genesis was intended to be taken as straightforward history. (This is the only untarnished understanding.)   Prof James Barr, Hebrew scholar and Oriel Professor of Interpretation of Holy Scripture at Oxford University, has written,

                “So far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Gen. 1–11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that: (a) Creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience; (b)The figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story; (c) Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguish all human and animal life except for those in the ark.”

       The Mysterious Religious Support for Darwinism


                                The leader in the pack who is instrumental in preaching and advocating that “creationists are wrong to read Genesis literally” (in the bid to support evolutionists) is the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope is a theistic evolutionist. It is very hard to understand why the Church “was and is” so certain that evolution is true amidst mounting evidences to the contrary and must be defended at all cost.  On the firm religious stand of the Church, Ps Stephen Bohr in the Secrets Unsealed news publication (above reference) wrote:

                “Neither Pope John Paul nor Pope Francis I even believe that the seven days of creation were literal 24-hour days. They both have gone on the record that the world came into existence by a long and drawn out process of evolution. In fact, Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si’ refers to the story of creation as a symbolic narrative (Laudato Si’ #66). How could Pope John Paul claim that God blessed and sanctified the Sabbath at creation, and then turn right around and say that the world came into existence over millions of years? In a speech to the Papal Academy of the Sciences he referred to evolution as ‘more than a hypothesis’: “Today, almost half a century after the publication of the encyclical (Pope Pius XII, Humane Generis, 1950), new knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis. It is indeed remarkable that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge. The convergence, neither sought nor fabricated, of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in favour of the theory.” In typical Jesuit fashion, Pope Francis has attempted to please both naturalist scientists as well as theologians by doing his utmost to reconcile the evolutionary theory with the creation story. In his own words: “The Big Bang, which today we hold to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the intervention of the divine creator but, rather, requires it ... Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve. When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so ... He created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfillment ...” (Consider the deliberate attempts to slant the current scientific knowledge to suit the Theory of Evolution that is anchored on faith in the word of man.)

                Apart from this TV programme, there are other more recent TV documentary to do the same work in perverting truth which is the sole purpose of Satan (the father of lies) and his evil agents. It is best to leave this for a later more in depth discovery assignment.              

                2.2 Discovery Souvenir

                1.Satan personally tutored Charles Darwin in setting up the principles of the theory of evolution. Satan and his councillors knew that this theory would completely destroy the creation week of the Bible, the fall of man and the plan of redemption in the mind of the believers of evolution. He blatantly declares that anyone who teaches the theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of that great religious system.

                2. For years, textbooks have been teaching information about evolution that has been proven false (e.g. Haeckel’s embryonic fraud lives on although Haeckel confesses to drawing from memory and was convicted of fraud.)

                3. The leader in the pack is the Pope, a theistic evolutionist, who is instrumental in preaching and advocating that “creationists are wrong to read Genesis literally” (in the bid to support evolutionists).

                4. Hollywood movies and TV documentaries are the tools of Satan and his agents.

                                                                End of D2- 9 pages(8-16)  

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Latest comments

01.10 | 06:27

Hi friends i am from India ( assam) and i am from Seventh day Adventist member, and i am very very happy about our seventh day adventist church is truth! Please add me on facebook..🙂🙏🙏🙏

26.07 | 03:03

Love you Brother Tong. I wish every Remnant Christian were an evangelist like you. See you in the Kingdom soon (Mat.6:33). Brother Sage

14.02 | 15:58

[…]Save Your Relationship and Get Your Ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend Back fast even if your situation seems hopeless!!!!!………………………………………

If You Need Any Help On Any of These,,
(Fruit Of The Womb spell)💯💯

25.10 | 08:32
